Wednesday, November 5, 2008


CONGRATULATIONS ! to all the supporters of OBAMA including me for the victorious success of the CHANGE we need now and ever. I was up late last night watching CNN, suddenly it showed 299 electoral  votes, which was one of those moments which was mostly awaited by most of the Americans and the rest of the world who wants CHANGE. Thousands of people in Chicago got the golden opportunity to see their first African American president elected for the first time in the history of the united states.
As I remember that Martin Luther King Jr. mentioned in he LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL that they has been waiting for the rights and the change for more than 340 years then. I was really impressed by the letter he wrote and the speech he made called I HAVE A DREAM. Junior on that letter was inspiring every oppressed citizen to fight for their rights and civil liberties.
I was satisfied and glad that united states's first statement for thanking all the voters including, african-american, latinos, and ASAINS. Offcourse, he must not forget that he was supported by majority of the immigrants and lower middle class americans no matter white, brown, black, or yellow.
As soon as OBAMA was elected, meaasges from different corners of the world started coming congratulating him. China is ready to talk to him and for the further relationship. He has been suported by most of the world excluding PAKISTAN. There is also a reason behind it, we will probably see after January 2009 I guess. Minister for Foreign Affairs of NEPAL also congratulated him through BBC NEPALI SEWA. that is a good signal of the international relationship.
Now I am living in TEXAS right now and I can tell that people are angry here in TEXAS. It is a republican place, most of the people whom I am associated with voted for McCAin and shocked last night by the result. As a whole it was not suprising nor shocking for me because I was guessing him as next president of one of the POWERFUL nations in the world. Hopefully he will do his job in favour of most of the people in the USA and offcourse we people living in the usa as immigrants. WE really wants some of the reforms that WE ARE PAYING 3 TIMES OF THE TUTION FEES THAN AMERICAN FOR THE SAME EDUCATION. Here I don't mean free but atleast he should cutoff some thing so that we could easily afford to survive in this expensive economy in the world. AND THE OTHER THING IS THERE IS NO OTHER WAY THAT PEOPLE COULD SURVIVE WITHOUT WORKING IN THIS ECONOMY. AS he has been saying let's see the real CHANGE.


Yumesh Pulami said...

yes,bro! we can...
nice ...

Med Chem said...

nice article. keep it u.
If you have time, have some suggestion on my blog too.
happy blogging.